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The Loss (Yara's Theme) | music: Davide Chiarello
B.loom | music Davide Chiarello
Whispers in the Dark - music: Davide Chiarello
Petya of My Petya - FFM Scoring Contest 2023 | Davide Chiarello
The Secret Number| IFMC 2022| Davide Chiarello #indiefilmmusiccompetition
Shibil - FFM Scoring Contest 2022 | Davide Chiarello
Genesis - Berlin International Film Scoring Competition | Davide Chiarello #BIFSC #BIFSC2022
DC Stargirl Scoring Competition| Davide Chiarello #MyStargirlScore
The Witness - rescore| Davide Chiarello
BIFSC 2021 | Abiogenesis | music - Davide Chiarello
Westworld Competition rescoring
Bear Hugs IFMC s2021 | music - Davide Chiarello


©2021 by Davide Chiarello

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